Is That a Ham in Your Pants…?

Is That a Ham in Your Pants…?

“I got away with over $130 worth of hams in my pants, and it only cost me fifty bucks and sixty days!” So said Mrs. G-86-T-91 of Honor Farm, MO…

Jail Doesn’t Notice Escape for Two Days

Jail Doesn’t Notice Escape for Two Days

If you’re going to get picked up and thrown in jail, maybe the best place for it to happen is Marysville, Washington. Apparently an inmate escaped out a side door…

But Where Did the Bombs Go?

But Where Did the Bombs Go?

According to NBC News, the Iraqi air force last month dropped supplies meant for their own army troops on positions occupied by ISIL militants. A brigadier-general in Iraq’s Defense Ministry,…

Smell Ya Later, Crook!

Smell Ya Later, Crook!

The Albany Democrat Herald reports a man attempted to elude the police at speeds in excess of 100mph and got caught because he was wearing too much cologne. Charles V….

Psychic Uri Geller Will Bend Your Phone

Psychic Uri Geller Will Bend Your Phone

According to an article at MarketWatch, famous/infamous psychic Uri Geller knows exactly why iPhone 6’s are bending. He should know since he has been bending spoons and other objects with…

Advice: Take a nap BEFORE committing a crime

Advice: Take a nap BEFORE committing a crime

A criminal in Florida decided to have a snooze in the middle of a robbery. The police let him rest a few moments longer while they took photos before slapping…

Not-So-Grim Reaper Spouts Altruisms

Not-So-Grim Reaper Spouts Altruisms

People around Albuquerque, New Mexico have been seeing a mysterious figure wrapped in a black cowl standing around area graveyards lately. Someone finally got up the nerve to talk to…

How To Get Arrested For NOT Driving Drunk

How To Get Arrested For NOT Driving Drunk

Seems a lady in Brattleboro, Vermont had the right idea. Don’t get behind the wheel of your car if you’re drunk. Find another way home or give your keys to…