Q: How Can I Make Visiting A Relative In The Hospital Less Boring?

A: Life is all about the futile battle to avoid injury and death. Sometimes our loved ones have the inevitable misstep in this struggle and end up in the hospital….

Q: What kind of snacks can I eat on a diet?

A: There are two schools of thought on this one. The first is you shouldn’t tempt yourself by having snacks. According to some trainers, snacks only make you hungrier. You…

Q: What Are Shin Splints And What Can I Do About It?

A: Shin Splints are a painful nuisance and sign that you are doing it wrong. “Shin Splints” is a term simply meaning “pain along the shin bone.” What that doesn’t…

Q: First Babysitting Job and I Don’t Know What I’m Doing. Help!?

A: Through my life I have had to take on many jobs, including babysitting. You could even say that I’m babysitting once again when I have to look after my…

Q: Can I Drink Beer And Still Be Fit?

A: Yes, of course you can! But, as with many things in life, moderation is the key. Everyone is different and everyone’s idea of moderation is different as well. Some…

Q: How do I get a flat stomach?

A: The closest I’ve come to a flat stomach is to lie very still on my back. Once everything settles my belly is fairly flat…ish. But I suspect you want…

Q: How do I stop getting angry while driving?

A: This is a very difficult subject. There are a lot of asshats on the roads and they are doing a lot of asshattie things that can make it hard…

5 Steps For A Pre-Workout Workout

There are days when I get the sudden urge to get up and get fit. But then the effort of rolling out of bed, or levering myself out of my…