Winner! Idiot of the Week for October 6, 2014

Winner! Idiot of the Week for October 6, 2014

Congratulations to Breona Watkins! Ms. Watkins was stopped by police in Florida because of a broken headlight. However, she panicked and made a lot of really bad decisions. The first…

Vote for Idiot of the Week for October 6, 2014

Vote for Idiot of the Week for October 6, 2014

Each weekend we ask our readers to vote on who will warm our homepage’s virtual dunce stool for a week! It’s time to place your votes. As usual, we’ve provided…

FBI Director James Comey Wins Idiot of the Week

FBI Director James Comey Wins Idiot of the Week

And the winner for Idiot of the Week of September 29, 2014 is: FBI Director James Comey! Congratulations, Director Comey. Your statements that Apple and Google putting more security into…

Vote for Idiot of the Week for September 29, 2014

Vote for Idiot of the Week for September 29, 2014

Each Friday, we ask you, our very dear readers, to vote on who will sit on the virtual dunce stool on our homepage for a week! It’s time to make…

Idiot for This Week is…?

Idiot for This Week is…?

The votes are in and you have decided! The Idiot of the Week for the week beginning September 22, 2014 is: Reverend James David Manning This guy has a history…

Vote for Idiot of the Week for September 22, 2014

Vote for Idiot of the Week for September 22, 2014

Each Friday, we ask you, dear readers, to vote on who will grace our homepage for a week in the place of idiotic honor! It’s time to make your choices….

And the Idiot for September 15, 2014 is…?

And the Idiot for September 15, 2014 is…?

Our second Idiot of the Week for 2014, with 43% of the vote (however small the voting population was): The Australian Federal Police! They get a genuine pat on the…

Vote for Idiot of the Week for September 15, 2014

Vote for Idiot of the Week for September 15, 2014

Each Friday, we ask you, dear readers, to vote on who will grace our homepage for a week in the place of idiotic honor! It’s time to make your choices….