This week’s poll sadly got little participation, so we had to resort to our Decisionator again to pick the one winner out of three that received votes. So, this week’s winner is Rete4, Italian TV! The station wins for its lamentation that scientists are ruining the wonder of space by sending robots out to take a closer look at things. Instead of praising the European space Agency for its successful landing of a spacecraft on a speeding comet, they whined that the comet looked like a rock. They wanted something more like the movies — specifically Armageddon — and they’re angry that imagination has been squashed by boring science. They also think 100 Million Euros was too much to spend over the course of the ten years getting to the comet — a price that works out to 3.50 Euros per citizen. Seems a bargain to us!
Enjoy your seat in the virtual dunce chair on our home page, Rete 4! You’ve earned it!
And here’s a reminder of who the station was up against for this week’s prize:
Kirk Cameron: Cameron has a new movie coming out, so he’s on a stupidity rampage — er — we mean, a media and promotional tour. His claim this time is that pagans actually stole Christmas traditions from Christians, and not the other way around. This despite tons of historical fact, including writings from popes saying to do just that. But, who cares about popes if you’re an evangelical, right?
Alex Jones: Jones has been very busy publishing his news and information this week on something we call “The Internet.” Among his rants, he blasts Net Neutrality as being something the Soviet Union and Nazis would want. We’re fairly certain they would actually despise the Net, much less Net Neutrality, and good old Alex would be off the air. Jones does make a convincing case, however, if proof includes throbbing forehead veins, foaming spittle, and a redhot rage face.
Old Navy: This week it came to light that Old Navy charges more for plus size women’s clothing. So far, not a big deal. A lot of places do that. Then it was revealed they do not charge extra for larger sized men’s clothes. And then a spokesperson claimed the women’s clothes include materials the men’s clothes don’t, and some open-eyed customers pointed out that the regular-sized women’s clothing has the same special materials but are priced in line with the regular-sized men’s clothes. Ouch. Three hits! The spokesperson was last heard screaming, “Abandon ship! To the lifeboats! We’re sunk!”
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