Each Friday, we ask you, dear readers, to vote on who will grace our homepage for a week in the place of idiotic honor! It’s time to make your choices. As usual, we’ve provided links to a bit of information on why these thimble-brains were nominated below the poll. Winner posted Monday morning! (If the poll below is not loading for you, try here.)
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The Candidates for September 22, 2014
Dion Davis: Sometimes the late shift can really get to you, especially if you’re a burglar. Maybe a quick lie down and a short snooze can help — except for this guy.
Wei Chu: When you just have to have the latest and greatest iPhone 6, it’s time to get busy and start earning cash. Mr. Chu decided renting out his girlfriend to earn that case is a good idea. In some countries, that might be called prostitution.
Rev. James David Manning: It’s good to finally see religion and science coming together. Except we’re not quite sure how the NASA Voyager probe, homosexuals, and demonic rectums really complement each other.
James Yeager and Dana McLendon: Special! Two idiots for one vote! McLendon’s scientific look at what kind of women make good dating material and what kind are whore sluts from hell gets airtime on the Tactical Response video blog, because guns and women and stuff, we guess. They probably don’t need more hits on the video, but we’ll pay the price in case they might be winners.