It’s the time of the year when all the websites online begin rehashing old content and creating best of lists so their employees can have time to go out to contribute to the bottom line of corporations by purchasing junk their friends and relatives will probably never use! We at Ask The Idiots are no exception. Whatever you call this time of year, we hope you enjoy it, but please take a few moments to vote in our poll to determine Idiot of the Year for 2014.
Below you’ll find listed each weekly winner from this year as well as a space to write in your own candidate. We have a semi-solid rule here not to nominate big politicians or entertainers and such since they would easily win week after week. There are plenty of idiots out there who deserve to be noticed. However, now you can add a big famous idiot onto the poll if you really want to! Want to give a shoutout to your country’s political leader? Have a special hate on for a particular singer or actor? Or, maybe you want to go obscure and nominate that old lady on the corner down the street from where you live because her dog poops on your lawn every day? Well, go for it!
Note that if you enter your own, they don’t show on the poll. We see them, however, and will make a count by hand. Also, feel free to post who you entered in a comment below so everyone can see.
Links to information about each nominee are below the poll. The winner will be announced on New Year’s Day 2015.
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- Charles Van Zant: Representaive for Florida said the new Common Core education requirements will turn your children gay.
- The Australian Federal Police: After training with a suitcase full of plastic explosives, they left the suitcase in the airport and gave it to a passenger by mistake as well.
- Reverend James David Manning: Railed about rectums of gay people filled with demons and took shots at NASA and more.
- FBI Director James Comey: Claimed Apple’s and Gooogle’s OS encryption will lead to more child molesters.
- Breona Watkins: Stuffed a baby in the trunk of her car after a traffic stop.
- Eleazar Cisneros: After a traffic stop tried convincing the officer that he was an officer.
- Principal Gary Stamper: Sent two guys home for dressing as women pop stars during Spirit Week costume festivities.
- Casey Nocket: Went on a graffiti spree through several national parks, and posted herself doing it on Instagram.
- City of Fort Lauderdale: Arrested a 90-year-old man for feeding the homeless.
- Rete4, Italian TV: Decried the European Space Agency for removing the magic from outer space by landing on a comet and showing it to be a big rock.
- Chad Ian Lieberman: Lost his $100/month rent deal in the Upper East Side of New York City when he sued a neighboring building and revealed he wasn’t the original renter.
- Cards Against Humanity Customers: Fans of the card game paid $6 a box to get actual bovine poop packaged and shipped to them in Cards Against Humanity’s anti-Black Friday sale.