Vote for Idiot of the Week for September 15, 2014

Vote for Idiot of the Week for September 15, 2014

Each Friday, we ask you, dear readers, to vote on who will grace our homepage for a week in the place of idiotic honor! It’s time to make your choices. As usual, we’ve provided links to a bit of information on why these thimble-brains were nominated below the poll. Winner posted Monday morning!

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The Candidates for September 15, 2014

The Australian Federal Police: The Australian Federal Police gets on our list for leaving a suitcase of plastic explosive behind in the Sydney Airport after training their dogs. Double points for giving the “lost baggage” to a passenger later!

Mark Driscoll: West coast megachurch Mars Hill is closing several of its churches due to bad press from pastor Mark Driscoll. Apparently, calling women “penis homes” isn’t quite the Christian to do.

Grant O’Connor: If there is any danger of pocket-dialing the police, we suggest you not talk out loud about your drug dealing.

Shirley Mason: Not quite ready for NASCAR, this shoplifter tried to make her getaway on a Wal Mart motorized scooter cart, picking up citations for stealing clothes and a sweet ride.

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