Kissing and making up. Well, to a point. But I have seen the future and, my dear readers, it is so very bright!
Apple and Samsung have announced that they will stop suing each other outside of the United States. What does this mean? Well, only that they are well on their way to joining forces and creating the happy, harmonious future that I just can’t seem to shut up about!
At the moment the rumors are all aflutter about Samsung making a big announcement on September 3rd and Apple having their announcement on September 9th. It is so cute to watch these two companies pull each other’s pigtails. In the very near future we should all expect a joint announcement about both companies joining forces and offering their respective devices with one single operating system that simply does whatever the end user asks it to do. You prefer having Siri responding to your inane questions? Or do you like the way Google Now bows to your every whim? Just tell your phone what you prefer and it will oblige.
Presently, the rumors are all about Samsung revealing the new Note 4, or Apple with their two sizes for the iPhone 6. Blah, blah, blah. These new iterations of the same old devices are mere stepping stones to the ultimate doorway on our idealistic future. For the moment, buy whatever works for you. If you are a true devotee to our utopian future buy both phones, multiple times, to support the companies that are going to make all our lives better.