Taking A Short Break

Taking A Short Break

Our resident idiots are hard at work answering questions and sharing their “expert” advice, but unfortunately the administrators of asktheidiots.com are presently dealing with so many idiots that they can’t update the site. Hopefully this will lead to more stories to share in the very near future. This is a temporary break and we hope that you won’t mind. We will return to normal programming on Monday November 3, 2014. Until then, please share your own stories of idiocy (either your own idiocy, or some idiocy that you have had to endure). If you feel inclined you could also share your Halloween costumes with us. The crazier the better! Just submit them through the Contact page.

Author Description

News Hound

You have to sniff a lot of butts to find the darkest secrets. I do that hard work so you don’t have to!

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