Editor’s Note: One of Ask The Idiots’ contributing authors got the opportunity late last August to join an expedition to the Cascade Mountain Range in search of the elusive Bigfoot. Scholar 51 kept a journal of the experience and, after much groveling on our part, he has chosen to share some of the more poignant entries with us. We will be publishing those entries unedited as we receive them. We hope to publish them on a regular schedule, but with Scholar 51 always changing locations and his constant involvement with clandestine projects there may be a few delays.
August 16, 2013
I was contacted by a mysterious person that I will identify as the Benefactor, or Benny for short. He offered me a dream opportunity, so I was obviously suspicious from the start. He said he was funding an expedition to the Cascade Mountain Range where there had been recent eyewitness accounts of a possible sasquatch colony! He dropped a few names that I recognized from other expeditions that I had read about. He said we needed to get moving quickly as the weather was going to turn ugly in the mountain range soon. I know this could be a trap set by the aliens or their conspirators to draw me out of hiding, but how can I pass up an opportunity like this? I have agreed to meet Benny in a public place. If it is a trap I can use my talent of blending into a crowd to slip away before things get out of hand. More later…
I have met with Benny and the expedition is real! We will leave for Portland, Oregon day after tomorrow. From there we will travel in a truck convoy to an undisclosed location in the Cascade Mountains. There will be seven core members of the search team and we will gain ten porters to carry our equipment when we reach the first camp in the mountains. From there we will continue on foot. I have informed my contact in the Dairy Consortium that I will be out of contact for at least two weeks and that they will have to be extra vigilant in my absence. This is just the sort of opportunity that the aliens are looking for! I have my misgivings about temporarily abandoning my duty of keeping an eye on the invaders, but I can’t pass up this chance to finally see a sasquatch for myself. And a whole colony of them? I can barely contain my excitement! I must pack and get moving quickly if I have any hope of getting to Portland on time. More later…