Visions Of Our Bright Future – Drones

Visions Of Our Bright Future – Drones

One thing stands in the way of our bright and peaceful future, and that is human beings. We are a contentious group. We can be self-centered and at times, very mean. Until we reach a more enlightened state of mind methods must be developed to force us into a more harmonious relationship with the world around us.

Today, I wish to point out what Kenya is doing to stop poachers from devastating the circle of life in their 52 national parks and reserves. They have begun a program of drone witnesses. This army of drones makes it possible for the government to catch poachers in the act and effect a large number of arrests. Poachers are people who have turned away from their better nature and have no place in our utopian future. I don’t advocate violence or cruelty, but in order to gain our bright tomorrow it would be wonderful if the Kenyan government were to forget where they locked up these miscreants.

And now, a look into the near future. Robert Chew envisions drones which blend in with the wildlife they are designed to protect. Each style of drone will be designed to resemble, and have the characteristics of, the animals they are watching over. You can check out an article about Robert Chew’s work over at The Dodo website by clicking the link below.

Robert Chew’s proposed poacher deterrents

I am looking forward to the day when everyone on this planet, and all the planets that we have colonized, has been trained to be altruistic and good-hearted. But until that time I am happy to see there are those working to mitigate the damage caused by our baser human nature. Now if someone could just hurry up and create a food replicator that can whip up a good Bloody Mary, it would help make the wait for our wonderful future a bit more bearable.

Author Description

Kitty Ann Rubin

Kitty Ann Rubin — Kitty Ann to her friends — is a futurist specializing in putting together her special view of the people and events around her to develop ideas of what is to come. It’s not psychic — It’s science! The science of inductive reasoning. Taking the disparate and making sense of the world, so you can make plans for your brighter tomorrow!

Editor’s Note
Visions of our Bright Future is a series of articles focusing on some very futuristic things happening right now and looking forward to how life will be made even better. Click Kitty Ann Rubin’s name above her bio to find all of the articles along with other work here by Kitty Ann.

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