Mark and Brenda Voss of Missouri had a $680,000 home built on a lot they had in Florida. For six months they rented the home to people, and they planned one day to move into it and live a wonderful life with a grand view of the ocean. Then they found out their builders, Keystone Homes, had constructed the home on the wrong lot.
The Vosses say they visited the construction site several times and just never noticed it was in the wrong spot. Keystone Homes blames the state-licensed surveyors they hired who gave the thumbs up for where they began to build, so all the contractors and subcontractors who worked on the property thought they were certainly in the right place. The people who actually own the lot are keeping their mouths shut since they might just have a free house. And the surveyors are staying quiet also.
The Vosses are in the property management and real estate business, so perhaps they could have been a little more diligent. Or maybe they should have thought twice about hiring a builder whose name is so close to “Keystone Kops.”
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