Not content to rest on his laurels after winning our Idiot of the Week poll for September 29, FBI Director James Comey doubled-down this Sunday on CBS News’ 60 Minutes. He continued to claim that encryption of data by the general public is the pinnacle of evil and that law enforcement will no longer be able to protect us and our children from the terrorists and criminals. In fact, we’ll all be criminals, so, they’ll be overwhelmed.
“The notion that we would market devices that would allow someone to place themselves beyond the law troubles me a lot. As a country, I don’t know why we would want to put people beyond the law. That is, sell cars with trunks that couldn’t ever be opened by law enforcement with a court order, or sell an apartment that could never be entered even by law enforcement. Would you want to live in that neighborhood?”
Comey tried to say he was all for restrictions on police so they couldn’t just go through everything you have willy-nilly — something others of us call rights and the present law. Yet he still insisted if we use an Apple or Google device that automatically encrypts everything we do, we’re up to no good. Obviously we must be hiding something, and he wants to be able to see what it is. He’s sure it involves kidnapping children or blowing up citizens.
Unfortunately the rules for Idiot of the Week say you only get one chance to win a year, but we’re beginning to think we need to make an exception for Director Comey.
Read more at AppleInsider or watch the interview at CBS.