A few days ago, Reza Beluchi was rescued 70 miles off the coast of Florida when his attempt to walk to Bermuda in a hydrobubble failed. The Coast Guard had found him before and tried to persuade him to stop his journey since he didn’t have enough food and water to make it, but he insisted he would carry on. A couple days after that, he gave in to his fatigue and activated a locator beacon.
It’s sad in a way. Beluchi’s site is all about hopes and dreams, and he does his running around for charity. However, for all his enthusiasm, the unforgiving sea defeated him. Well, that, and the difficulty catching fish to supplement the few protein bars he had brought with him. It’s unknown how many bottles of water he could fit in the bubble, and how he was powering his satellite phone and GPS. The bubble never sank, though, so, there is that.
ATI will see if we can get an interview with Beluchi should he decide to try to make the run again. Check out the full story at USA Today.