Thieves Make Slick Getaway

Thieves Make Slick Getaway

Sunday morning, thieves in St. Petersburg, Florida made off with a truck containing 18 tons of Crisco vegetable shortening sticks. Initial thoughts are the thieves didn’t know what was in the truck, however the truck was found a couple days later, abandoned and empty. Apparently they were after the Crisco, and police say it was typical cargo theft and the sticks are probably headed for the black market and overseas.

The idea of a black market in vegetable shortening intrigues me. What kind of thieves need such a thing? Did they get an order from several overseas bakeries? Or perhaps they wanted it all for themselves? The Associated Press indicates that “Crisco can be used for frying or making delicious baked goods.” The thought that some criminals somewhere are gearing up to make thousands of pies makes my tummy grumble. Unless they plan on putting escape tools in the pies and distributing them to prisons. Then we all might be in trouble.

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News Hound

You have to sniff a lot of butts to find the darkest secrets. I do that hard work so you don’t have to!

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