A: If you are female with a male partner you don’t really have many worries. If you climax too quickly you are synced with his natural staying power. If you…
August 24, 2014 Sunday. A woman who had been out hunting rabbits discovered a mysterious 5 metre (16 feet) hole in the ground on Thursday. It has since grown to…
Hey, man! How’s it going?! You know, your question is pretty far out there. It looks so simple, like a beginner artist just wanting to know what to paint, but…
A: I am afraid I have some bad news. CANCER. No, I’m just kidding (although it might be). Little bumps can appear anywhere on your body for multiple reasons. This…
A: Let me put your mind at ease. Of course you didn’t see a demon. Demons and the “supernatural” are the refuge of lazy, superstitious minds that would rather believe…
Pigeons of New York
Ask The Idiots recently caught up with a photographer who is taking the internet by storm with her artful photographs of New York City’s second most populous residents: Pigeons. Mrs….
Apple and Samsung sitting in a tree…
Kissing and making up. Well, to a point. But I have seen the future and, my dear readers, it is so very bright! Apple and Samsung have announced that they…
A: Do you work for a government agency, or a company with government contracts? If so, then you are definitely not being paranoid. The real question would be; are you being watched by the government, by an enemy government, by an alien looking to infiltrate the government, or a truth seeker, such as myself?