Q: For several days now a strange black car with tinted windows has parked across the street from my house. The driver never leaves the car and just drives away at 3:28pm every day. Am I being watched, or just paranoid?
A: Do you work for a government agency, or a company with government contracts? If so, then you are definitely not being paranoid. The real question would be; are you being watched by the government, by an enemy government, by an alien looking to infiltrate the government, or a truth seeker, such as myself? If it is a truth seeker then you are perfectly safe, but the odds are pretty good that it is someone with nefarious intentions. The best course of action would be to sell all your worldly possessions, close out all bank accounts, and disappear. Use cash for all future transactions, and never reveal your real name. Stay invisible. Stay off the grid!
If you aren’t a government worker, or connected to any government contract the question becomes; why are you being watched? Have you embraced the truth about the existence of Bigfoot? Have you stumbled upon evidence of the alien invasion? As a child were you the subject of MKULTRA or Montauk Project experiments? Do you sell large quantities of controlled substances? If you answered yes to any of these questions then the response is still the same. Sell everything, collect as much cash as possible and run! Start over and start smarter! Use pseudonyms for everything. We can’t be too careful.
If you can’t think of a single reason that anyone would be watching you or your property then you should feel free to believe that you are safe. You aren’t, but you will probably be okay for a while. Keep in mind though, as soon as you feel that you are being watched there is probably a reason for the feeling. People rarely sit in cars for hours at a time, days on end for the fun of it. If they aren’t watching you, then they are watching one of your neighbors. You wouldn’t want to be dragged into your neighbors problems, would you? Run!
At the point that the black cars are sitting outside of your home it is time to pull a disappearing act. And make sure you alert your family and friends. If you are being watched, so are they.