A: Let me put your mind at ease. Of course you didn’t see a demon. Demons and the “supernatural” are the refuge of lazy, superstitious minds that would rather believe that the universe is mysterious and something that we can never understand. These people then go on to convince the under-educated masses that malevolent and/or benevolent forces are controlling our fates. Rubbish! Obviously, what you saw was an extraterrestrial.
The universe is a massive place. There are millions of galaxies composed of billions of stars. A large percentage of those stars have planets orbiting them. That is an unimaginable number of potential sources of extraterrestrial life. It has been said before, by someone whose name escapes me, that it is the world’s biggest conceit to believe that we are the only life in this vast universe.
Acknowledging that alien life exists, it becomes obvious that they would be interested in our species. And if interest were their only purpose we could blithely ignore them until we reached the point of colonizing other solar systems. Unfortunately, they aren’t satisfied with just studying us from afar. No, they have disguised themselves and walk among us. They have infiltrated the highest levels of almost all of the world’s governments and work to control our development, our ways of thinking, even down to our day-to-day entertainment choices{In a future article I will go into detail about alien influence of our media outlets, but that is beyond the scope of the present discussion}. It is widely accepted amongst those who are aware of the truth that the extraterrestrials are able to project what they want us to see. You might have surprised this visitor from another planet before it could project its normal disguise into your grey matter. It could have eliminated and taken the place of one of your neighbors, one of your parents, even the family pet! Be ever vigilant. Now that you have seen it for what it really is your life may be in danger! Suspect everyone.
It just occurred to me that there might be one other possible explanation for what you experienced. It has been theorized that some humans possess an innate resistance to the alien projected manipulation. So, it is possible, dear questioner, that you are one such human. If this is the case, you should contact certain people right away. It is important that we verify which of our world leaders are imposters trying to arrange our destiny and which are humans who are stumbling blindly into the future. Being able to penetrate their disguises could make the crucial difference in this secret conflict. If you believe that you are actually a “Resistor” you will be able to find me and become an initiate.I will steer you in the right direction.