Q: Do Wishes Come True?

Q: Do Wishes Come True?

A: That all depends. Are your wishes realistic? If you are wishing to see an accident and then spend the day observing the busiest local highway then your wish will almost definitely come true. If you wish for extra money and then raid your brother’s penny jar then your wish just came true. Keep your wishes simple, realistic, and self-fulfilling and more often than not your wishes will come true. Wish for a real live unicorn or for disco to come back, and you are not only going to be disappointed, but should also seek psychiatric help.

Author Description

John AlCraft

Mr. Alcraft is one of the world’s top Pantologists. Since childhood he’s devoted his life to knowledge of all kinds and to that end has a Master’s degree in Library Science with an emphasis on Information Systems Development. He also has three Bachelor’s degrees in Anthropology, Sociology, and Interior Design as well as a professional certificate in Mixology. He is sure he knows or can find everything.


I don’t usually resort to name calling, but Mr. Alcraft is a true idiot! Keep your dreams realistic? How do you expect us to reach our utopian future with advice like that?

You need to wish big! You keep wishing for that unicorn because one day soon geneticists will be breeding enough unicorns for everyone! I am not so sure that disco has much of a place in an utopian future, but I am sure you can find a group of like-minded individuals who share your unfortunate taste in music.

Do not let Mr. John Alcraft, or anyone, limit your dreams. Wish for whatever you want and if it isn’t very realistic just know that the future is bringing many strange and wonderful changes!

Author Description

Kitty Ann Rubin

Kitty Ann Rubin — Kitty Ann to her friends — is a futurist specializing in putting together her special view of the people and events around her to develop ideas of what is to come. It’s not psychic — It’s science! The science of inductive reasoning. Taking the disparate and making sense of the world, so you can make plans for your brighter tomorrow!

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