Q: How Do I Deal With A Cockroach Problem?

Q: How Do I Deal With A Cockroach Problem?

A: I may have had a few too many cocktails, but I believe you are thinking backwards. Why does it have to be a problem? Why couldn’t it be an opportunity? You have a busy life trying to make ends meet. Couldn’t you use a little help? Cockroaches are some of the smarter insects that we have displaced and are easily trainable with the right conditioning. Become a roach rancher! Think about it. You could glue tiny scrub pads to the bottom of their feet and get clean floors under all your appliances! Train them to drive other pests out of your living space! Cockroaches can survive on almost any biological matter including human waste. What does that mean? Clean toilet bowls! You need to quit being so negative and look at the opportunities that are being handed to you. A little effort now and you could soon be making a fortune with your well trained cockroach minions!

Author Description

John AlCraft

Mr. Alcraft is one of the world’s top Pantologists. Since childhood he’s devoted his life to knowledge of all kinds and to that end has a Master’s degree in Library Science with an emphasis on Information Systems Development. He also has three Bachelor’s degrees in Anthropology, Sociology, and Interior Design as well as a professional certificate in Mixology. He is sure he knows or can find everything.

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