Q: How Many Republicans Does It Take To Screw In A Light Bulb?

Q: How Many Republicans Does It Take To Screw In A Light Bulb?

A: This is a hateful question. Why would it take more republicans to screw in a light bulb than any other group of people? Regardless of a person’s political affiliations they are still people. So, the answer to your question is; under normal circumstances it would take one republican to screw in a light bulb. Unless, the light bulb in question is in a government building that somehow lacks janitorial or maintenance staff. Then a subcommittee would have to be formed to determine when to schedule the changing of the bulb, how the changing would be accomplished, and even if the government should be involved in these sorts of decisions. At this point, the answer to your question would be zero republicans would actually change the light bulb since the motion to change it would be tabled until the end of time.

Author Description

John AlCraft

Mr. Alcraft is one of the world’s top Pantologists. Since childhood he’s devoted his life to knowledge of all kinds and to that end has a Master’s degree in Library Science with an emphasis on Information Systems Development. He also has three Bachelor’s degrees in Anthropology, Sociology, and Interior Design as well as a professional certificate in Mixology. He is sure he knows or can find everything.

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