Q: Is Being Open Minded All That Bad?

Q: Is Being Open Minded All That Bad?

A: Of course it’s bad. You need to make up your mind and then lock that thing down. You shouldn’t be running around letting just any idiot put thoughts into your head! What kind of crazy world would this be if everyone was open minded? People would be running around changing their mind all the time. No one would be able to get anything done if there was even one person around offering a different opinion on how it should be done. No, you need to set your ideas like concrete, or something even harder like titanium. Is there something harder than titanium? I don’t think so, therefore there isn’t! Don’t let anyone sway you once you have made a decision. You want to wear a suit and tie to school? Then do it! You think cats are better pets than dogs? Then get a cat and ignore the people who try to tell you how much better a dog would have been. You want green hair and a bunch of tattoos? Okay, that’s kind of weird, but once you have made up your mind don’t let the naysayers get to you. Close your mind to all outside influence. Other people have their own best interest at heart, not yours! Open mindedness leads to muddled views on politics, religion, and sexuality. It can even make it more difficult to determine which television shows are pure crap and which are worth your time. As a final note I will also point out that being open minded can lead to you being controlled by other people, organizations, or governments. Do your own thinking, and remember the world is full of idiots trying to push their own thoughts on you. Protect yourself! Close your mind!

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Guest Idiot

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