A: Of course life isn’t an illusion, silly, but someday it will be! Not only that, but you will be able to choose the illusion that you want to live in! How exciting is that?
Presently, life is too full of pain and sorrow to be anything but real. We dull our senses with delicious cocktails, recreational drugs, deviant sex acts, video games and movies. We yearn for a better life and there are individuals who are working on providing that for us.
As most people know 3d visuals are already in existence and now there are companies that have produced goggle-like devices that make it look like you are inside a video game or movie. Even better, there are people who are on the edge of figuring out how to make a Star Trek-ish holodeck! But there are even more advanced technologies being developed. Just recently, scientists were able to use magnetic stimulation to transfer thoughts from one person’s brain directly into another person’s brain! That could easily mean virtual reality beamed directly into your mind! We would not even need to have some ugly datajack surgically implanted in our skulls!
Just thinking about the possibilities gets me all flustered. I need to have drink and calm down. Let me just conclude by letting you know that I completely understand there are times that we all might wish life were somehow just a nightmare. It is, unfortunately, all too real. But science is falling all over itself to change that! Hang in there, little trooper! One day in the near future we will be living in the dream.