A: The best way to connect with people is by expressing yourself, man. And the best thing is that there are so many ways to express who you are and what you’re feeling! Art is there to serve you, man. You just need to find which art form speaks to your soul.
I find painting to be my best outlet for communicating with the world, but you might not get it. Maybe you’d be more comfortable with charcoal and canvas, or sculpting, or writing. Who knows, man?
Do you realize that the spoken word is a form of art? Yeah, man! You could stand in front of a mirror and pretend to talk to people in order to practice expressing yourself. Just be careful no one else is around when you’re practicing. That’s a good way to end up on some serious meds, man. And no matter how much fun some of those little pills can be, they definitely interfere with your ability to connect with anything outside of your own skull.
One thing to consider: sometimes you connect with someone and find that it was a big mistake. They just turned out to be rotten, man. I have to admit I’m not very good at shaking those kinds of toxic people loose. We have a dude here who seems like he’d be pretty good at driving people away, and I’ll have to see if he could write a follow up article to help deal with that situation. I’ll have to remember his name first. Paint fumes, man, can really mess with your memory sometimes. Oh wait, Alcrap, or Alcat, or something… Alcraft! That’s it, man!
Okay, so be looking for that follow up by Mister Alcraft. But until then just experiment with different art forms and find what medium you can speak through. It’s a great big world out there, man, with a bunch of people looking to connect with someone. Maybe look for someone to connect with that likes trees. You can’t dislike anyone that likes trees, man.