Q: What Is The Purpose Of Arguing With People?

Q: What Is The Purpose Of Arguing With People?

A: You need to set people straight! These poor dumb people are running around with the wrong ideas in their heads. How are they supposed to start thinking right if you don’t correct them? The world is full of people who are content to just go about their lives without a concern for what they might have gotten wrong. If no one points out their erroneous beliefs they will not only continue to get it wrong, but they just might spread their wrong-thinking to other sheep-like people. It could be a worldwide epidemic of stupidity! If you know that you know better, you are obligated to not only inform the person who is wrong of their mistake, but also to do it loudly, and forcefully. This way they will understand that you are serious and obviously have better information. Save name calling for only the most serious arguments. Name calling has far less impact if you are using it all of the time. Just because someone is a slack jawed oxygen bandit doesn’t mean that you have to call them out on it every time. Sometimes it is better to let their idiocy speak for itself. So, remember, you know better and it is important that you inform everyone about that fact. Also, if you are arguing on the internet make sure to always type in CAPS. This gives your argument impact and always puts you in the winning position of any discussion.

Author Description

John AlCraft

Mr. Alcraft is one of the world’s top Pantologists. Since childhood he’s devoted his life to knowledge of all kinds and to that end has a Master’s degree in Library Science with an emphasis on Information Systems Development. He also has three Bachelor’s degrees in Anthropology, Sociology, and Interior Design as well as a professional certificate in Mixology. He is sure he knows or can find everything.

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