Q: Why are boys circumcised?

Q: Why are boys circumcised?

A: The Great Deception, as those who are aware of the underlying truth have begun to call it, tells us that little boys and men can’t be trusted to clean their penises properly and that the foreskin must be removed to prevent infections. Aliens are very intelligent and are aware that every lie must contain just enough truth to be believable. So, it is true that in the early days cleanliness was an issue and uncircumcised men, which would be all men at the time, would get quite “ripe” smelling in the area that we are discussing. But there is more to this story.

Celia Turnblatt was a prostitute during those days before circumcision. She had to deal with a great many awful smelling male members and she loathed them. Then, a wise woman’s herbal mixtures failed her and she became pregnant with a son. Once the boy was born she knew she didn’t want him reviled by women, so she lopped off his foreskin. The screams of the infant drew much attention and she was incarcerated. As the boy grew into adulthood certain elder members of the town noticed the women of the area paying much attention to the Turnblatt boy. He also didn’t seem to have as many problems with his penis. Celia Turnblatt was quietly moved to the lowest levels of the jail so that no one would have to admit that she may have been onto something. Babies began to have their genitals mutilated.

This was when the aliens, who had gained an early foothold in the area, began to take notice. Their studies revealed that the boys who had been circumcised seemed altered by the early trauma of the crude surgery. They became much more suggestible. As this would make the alien invasion much easier they created the Great Deception and began to alter our history to work in their favor. They first tried to enforce circumcision through religion, but soon discovered that did not have as wide spread an effect as they desired. So, then they came up with a medical reason that was based on the actual history of circumcision’s creation.

As I mentioned, aliens are very intelligent and there is very little evidence of their activity. But I have heard the stories as they were passed on by very trustworthy people. Once I saw a cellphone picture of the scroll that contained the order to move Celia Turnblatt to the lower dungeons of her prison. The lighting was bad and the picture was blurry but it looked quite authentic!

Take this as an important lesson. Question your traditions! Question what you are taught! And remember, if there is even a remote possibility that the aliens are behind some fact, rule, or law then it is safest to assume that they are!

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Scholar 51

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