Q: Why Do I Keep Seeing People Out Of The Corner Of My Eye That Aren’t There?

Q: Why Do I Keep Seeing People Out Of The Corner Of My Eye That Aren’t There?

A: Seeing entities that don’t appear to exist in our reality is a known phenomenon. There could be natural or supernatural causes at work here.

Now, it is possible that you’re suffering from a mental disorder or a brain tumor, but I’m not a doctor. You should go see one if you’re worried you could be ill. I’m sure, however, the most likely explanation is you’ve gained the ability to see into other worlds!

There are conflicting theories about where these people you’re seeing actually exist. Some say you’re seeing spirits of the dead, but that seems kind of morbid. I prefer the idea that you’re peering into alternate realities: Worlds running parallel to ours that might only be slightly different or totally foreign. You should relax and accept this. Maybe you’ll learn to see these alternate worlds more clearly, possibly through meditation or various hallucinogenic drugs. Think of all the things you could learn!

So, remember, closed-minded people will think you’re sick or crazy, but you’re actually special. You’ve been given a gift! Learn from the otherworldly people you’re seeing. But, if they start telling you to do things just ignore them. You know, just in case…

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Guest Idiot

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