A: Most “experts” will tell you that plants are living things that have specific requirements that must be met to insure their survival. Some plants require direct sunlight and some prefer the shade. Some plants need large amounts of water and some survive better in drier conditions. Some plants grow best in thick, moist soil, others enjoy a loose sandy environment. All of this is very true, but ultimately it’s not enough to keep your plants alive. What most of these so called “experts” either don’t know or won’t tell you is that plants are psychic. They are constantly sending and receiving psychic impressions. Not only from other plants, but also from every other living thing around them. This means that there is a very real possibility that you are not only not able to keep your plants alive, but that you are actually killing them! Your negative thinking, stress, anger, and frustration are bombarding your friendly oxygen producers. Your thoughtless mean-minded way of dealing with the daily struggles in life are making you the walking embodiment of death to your captive houseguests. Not only do you have a responsibility to feed and water your plants, but you also have a responsibility to provide them with a psychically positive environment. You are wilting your plants from the inside out. Shape up and think happy thoughts! Just having to write this article has done irreparable harm to the little green friends in my office. So, now you are not only responsible for killing your own plants, but you are harming mine as well! Just stop trying to take care of plants altogether until you can be in a more positive frame of mind. Maybe you should try antidepressants or something.