Q: Where Should I Tell My Child That Babies Come From?

Q: Where Should I Tell My Child That Babies Come From?

A: I am not a pediatric specialist, but I do know that children are much smarter than most people realize. They will figure out pretty quickly if you lie to…

Q: What Are Shin Splints And What Can I Do About It?

Q: What Are Shin Splints And What Can I Do About It?

A: Shin Splints are a painful nuisance and sign that you are doing it wrong. “Shin Splints” is a term simply meaning “pain along the shin bone.” What that doesn’t…

Q: Should I Pluck My Eyebrows?

Q: Should I Pluck My Eyebrows?

A: Why not? If you think your eyebrows are too thick, or just don’t like the look of them, then pluck away! You need to keep a couple of things…

Q: Why Does The Back Of My Leg Hurt When I Sit?

Q: Why Does The Back Of My Leg Hurt When I Sit?

A: Initially we need to determine what kind of pain we are discussing. Is it a sharp stabbing pain, a deep burning sensation, or possibly a quick traveling pain through…