This week’s poll sadly got little participation, so we had to resort to our Decisionator again to pick the one winner out of three that received votes. So, this week’s…
A: An unfortunate fact of life is that the people we live with and love the most will make us the angriest. But that doesn’t mean we have to accept…
A: It is not a matter of offending them. You are the one who knows how they should be doing whatever it is you noticed being done wrongly. Since you…
A: First of all, and I can’t stress enough the importance of this, it should really be called a net page. It is a common fallacy to refer to it as ‘the web’ while in fact it should be called ‘the net’. After all, you don’t see a single spider running around, do you?
A: Most “experts” will tell you that plants are living things that have specific requirements that must be met to insure their survival. Some plants require direct sunlight and some…
A: First the good news. They probably already know. No matter how much effort you have put into hiding your true nature there are always little signs that give the…
A: Absolutely. Some people would say that it depends upon the value of the object that was ruined, but that simply isn’t true. The value isn’t nearly as important as…
Ask The Idiots recently caught up with a photographer who is taking the internet by storm with her artful photographs of New York City’s second most populous residents: Pigeons. Mrs….