5 Steps For A Pre-Workout Workout

5 Steps For A Pre-Workout Workout

There are days when I get the sudden urge to get up and get fit. But then the effort of rolling out of bed, or levering myself out of my…

And the Idiot for September 15, 2014 is…?

And the Idiot for September 15, 2014 is…?

Our second Idiot of the Week for 2014, with 43% of the vote (however small the voting population was): The Australian Federal Police! They get a genuine pat on the…

Idiot for This Week is…?

Idiot for This Week is…?

The votes are in and you have decided! The Idiot of the Week for the week beginning September 22, 2014 is: Reverend James David Manning This guy has a history…

Idiot of the Week Winner for October 13, 2014

Idiot of the Week Winner for October 13, 2014

Our poll had a tie this week! The software chose one, but we thought that was a little unfair to the other. So, we rolled some dice, and the winner…

Q: What kind of snacks can I eat on a diet?

Q: What kind of snacks can I eat on a diet?

A: There are two schools of thought on this one. The first is you shouldn’t tempt yourself by having snacks. According to some trainers, snacks only make you hungrier. You…

Vote for Idiot of the Week for September 29, 2014

Vote for Idiot of the Week for September 29, 2014

Each Friday, we ask you, our very dear readers, to vote on who will sit on the virtual dunce stool on our homepage for a week! It’s time to make…

Q: Can you recommend a tablet?

Q: Can you recommend a tablet?

A: No. I believe that I am, from my experience in pioneering PC’s and the World Wide Net as we have come to use them in the last decennia, uniquely…

Idiot of the Week Winner for October 20, 2014

Idiot of the Week Winner for October 20, 2014

Another poll goes through with a tie! While we give our kudos to both the Freedom Socialist Party of Seattle, Washington and Principal Gary Stamper, only one can sit in…