Idiot of the Week Winner for October 13, 2014
Our poll had a tie this week! The software chose one, but we thought that was a little unfair to the other. So, we rolled some dice, and the winner…
Vote For Idiot of the Week!
Edit: We’re still testing our polling system, so let’s try this again! Every Friday (or Monday September 1 in this case until September 5), we ask who should be our…
A: Do you work for a government agency, or a company with government contracts? If so, then you are definitely not being paranoid. The real question would be; are you being watched by the government, by an enemy government, by an alien looking to infiltrate the government, or a truth seeker, such as myself?
Valentine’s Day According to Idiots
We got in touch with several of our authors to get their feelings on Valentine’s Day. We asked for just a line or two, and here is what we got:…
Apple and Samsung sitting in a tree…
Kissing and making up. Well, to a point. But I have seen the future and, my dear readers, it is so very bright! Apple and Samsung have announced that they…
A: I have good news for you. Your girlfriend is completely human! Aliens are not susceptible to addiction. Now the bad news. She is likely under a form of mind…
A: I want to make it perfectly clear that I understand that this is not necessarily a medical question. As a person with limited social skills I believe that I…
A: First, I wish to commend you for your willingness to go to a gym. Finding the motivation to reach for, say this bag of cheese puffs, is a lot…