Q: Should My Friend Have To Pay Me Back For Ruining My Stuff?

Q: Should My Friend Have To Pay Me Back For Ruining My Stuff?

A: Absolutely. Some people would say that it depends upon the value of the object that was ruined, but that simply isn’t true. The value isn’t nearly as important as…

Vote for Idiot of the Week for September 29, 2014

Vote for Idiot of the Week for September 29, 2014

Each Friday, we ask you, our very dear readers, to vote on who will sit on the virtual dunce stool on our homepage for a week! It’s time to make…

Q: Our Adult Son Crawls Into Our Bed To Sleep Every Night. Help?

Q: Our Adult Son Crawls Into Our Bed To Sleep Every Night. Help?

A: It sounds like you are dealing with a deep psychological issue. It is difficult for me to believe that a parent with a child of any age would resent…

Q: Where Should I Tell My Child That Babies Come From?

Q: Where Should I Tell My Child That Babies Come From?

A: I am not a pediatric specialist, but I do know that children are much smarter than most people realize. They will figure out pretty quickly if you lie to…

Q: Is Being Open Minded All That Bad?

Q: Is Being Open Minded All That Bad?

A: Of course it’s bad. You need to make up your mind and then lock that thing down. You shouldn’t be running around letting just any idiot put thoughts into…

Q: What Are Shin Splints And What Can I Do About It?

Q: What Are Shin Splints And What Can I Do About It?

A: Shin Splints are a painful nuisance and sign that you are doing it wrong. “Shin Splints” is a term simply meaning “pain along the shin bone.” What that doesn’t…

Q: Why Do Some People Get In The Shower Before Turning The Water On?

Q: Why Do Some People Get In The Shower Before Turning The Water On?

A: To a lot of people the act of getting into the shower before turning the water on seems crazy. The water initially is either way too cold or way…

Q: Why Am I Always Missing One Sock?

Q: Why Am I Always Missing One Sock?

A: This question is usually asked in jest based on the old trope of the dryer eating one sock out of every pair. But the phrasing of your question leads…

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